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Stephen Rothquel

Steve is the Lead Pastor at One City Church. In addition to leading the eldership team, Steve is involved in planning and vision casting for the church.


Bronwyn Rothquel

Bronwyn is on our strategic planning team and is also involved in the Administration of the church. In addition to this Bronwyn oversees our devotional ministry.


Zip Nolan

Zip's Primary responsibility is to shepherd and care for the people of One City Church. He has a God given love for people, both in and outside the church. He is passionate about the gospel and enjoys seeing people coming to faith. In addition to this Zip is on the eldership team that gives leadership to the church.


Carol Van Der Merwe

Carol runs the One City Church administration, as well as organising our current and new volunteers to work together with our staff to  co-ordinate events and functions at the church. 


Dawn Claassens

Dawn's role at One City Church is to run and oversee the Kids Ministry programs.

Dawn loves to have fun with the kids while teaching them about the Bible and who God is. 


Jared Turnham

Jared keeps the internet and computers running at the offices.

Jared records and uploads the majority of the videos on our socials and is very involved with the running of Sunday services and events.

He also heads up the youth on a Friday Night.

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Connex Mtemura

Connex works at the church house as well as Church on a Sunday assisting with setup and events.

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Frank Mtemura

Frank Helps with setup at church and church events.



Andile Zwane

Andile works and helps at the church house as well as alongside Jared at Youth on a Friday night 

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